Coincidencia Farm’s ceramic creations are displayed around the property, some were for sale. The Correa family work on the farm and in the ceramic workshop. The founder, Héctor Correa, vows that it won’t change because of American tourist coming to Cuba (hope that’s true).

Coincidencia Farm founder, Héctor Correa, with our tour guide, Ari.

Mamey fruit, the taste is similar to a sweet potato.

Mango Trees

Most of the delicious food we had for lunch came from this farm.

Cheese with mango sauce.
We returned to the hotel for our farewell dinner and last night in Cuba. Did the hotel dinner surpass the fresh food on the farm? You be the judge.

Our introduction to Cuba was at an end; it was busy, beautiful and wonderful to see firsthand. If you desire to go there, you should go soon while the country is still Cuba. As more and more Americans travel to the country, I believe some parts of Cuba will (unfortunately) change. In-Joy Travel can assist you with your travel plans, contact me.